
Leadership Program for Middle Managers

About the project

This multi-national South East Asian bank needed a leadership program for its middle managers from four countries, to develop leadership skills and cohesive teams both within and across borders.

This learning program brought the middle managers together for a week long intensive program of five full day, highly experiential and active workshops covering the key skills required to success in their roles and to progress their careers, including:

  • Influencing and principled negotiation

  • Managing difficult conversations and conflict

  • Performance feedback and coaching

  • Presentation skills

  • Cross cultural communication

What we learned

We’ve learnt that teams anywhere in the world benefit from the ability of their leaders to communicate in ways that are empowering, inclusive and engaging.

While a five-consecutive-day program can be a challenge for participants and facilitators, this can be overcome with engaging learning that is highly experiential, encourages participants to discover and own their own learning, and create a community of practice that crosses borders and cultures.

We learnt to connect across cultures as facilitators of learning, to work inclusively and collaboratively with respect. And we learnt a lot about some cultures different to our own, of course.

Feedback and testimonials

Exceptional feedback from the participant group and client, and the program has been delivered annually to new cohorts for three years running.

‘This program develops powerful and tangible skills for our employees’

‘[Our business] is seeing clear returns from this program as the managers implement what they learnt into their teams’

‘I feel more confident to lead my team and know what they need from me.’

‘I understand the power of communication and how to be more flexible with my style.’

Development of a transitional organisational learning strategy

About the project

Horticulture Innovation Australia (HIA) began the challenging transition of becoming a new statutory entity. This entailed a significant change in the existing operating model and an associated organisation-wide restructure.

We produced a learning strategy that focused on building capability in leadership, change and resilience. This consisted of:

  • Strategic leadership workshops for the executive leadership team

  • Design and delivery of change and resilience workshops for all team members across the organisation

  • Personal leadership seminars for all team members across the organisation

  • Design and delivery of skills based workshops for specific teams

What we learned

The numerous challenges associated with transitioning to a new organisational structure were all very evident during this project.

We learned of the value of a ‘top-down’ approach to this type of project. Our decision to engage the executive team from the onset gave us the opportunity to build alignment and support from senior leaders and generate the necessary momentum to cascade the project to departments and teams.

Feedback and testimonials

‘Extremely professional, from briefing, design, logistics and most importantly to the delivery of workshops. Took time to understand our business and tailor offerings and advice accordingly.

In particular, the Change and Resilience workshops were best in class and contributed significantly to our organisation’s successful transition.’

Bernadette Chehine, Executive Manager, Human Resources

Breaking down silos and conflict to collaborate for strategic outcomes

About the project

This NSW government department operates in a highly complex area and needed its leaders from diverse teams to work together to deliver on policy advice and find a shared way forward within its rapidly changing environment.

We first offered a pilot learning program which resulted in a recommendation to split the learning into two key components.

The first part focused on learning in emotional intelligence (EQ) and the impact of our emotions and beliefs on:

  • our own mindset

  • business relationships – internal and external

  • our decisions

  • departmental and organisational results.

Part two consisted of a round table discussion which brought leaders together in a controversial real-life problem-solving session. We used advanced facilitation and hosting techniques to:

  • improve participants’ self-awareness and empathy

  • enable vulnerabilities and concerns to be aired

  • demonstrate how to engage disparate groups and manage stakeholder conflict

  • build relationships across the traditional silos

  • make some in-roads towards finding a shared way forward.

What we learned

We’ve learnt that incorporating a meaningful real-life challenge into a program is a highly successful model for deep and lasting learning. Learning is practised in a controlled environment and it provides opportunities for immediate self-discovery, feedback and skills improvement.

A very real learning was that by opening our minds, listening with empathy and speaking with genuine intent, ideologically opposed teams can work together and achieve great things.

An end of session reflective activity led to deep insights for all participants.

Through observing the facilitator, leaders learned how to run similar sessions to manage conflict in their own teams and stakeholder groups.

Feedback and testimonials

Initially aimed at one group of stakeholders, the success of this program led to its roll-out across multiple leadership levels.

Participant feedback included:

‘This meeting is long overdue. It’s the first time we’ve really bothered to listen to each other and the impact of that has been quite remarkable’

‘I was reluctant to attend today but I’m pleased that I did. It’s given us all much to think about in how we lead through these difficult times.’

‘Amazing. I can’t believe we achieved breakthrough with the team. I’ll be booking my Project Leads onto this program asap’

Emerging Talent Program

About the project

This highly success property development group is committed to developing its employees across the group, and brought early career participants together from across the state offices and sites into a 12-month learning ecosystem of workshops, projects, collaborative and social learning.

Program was designed with collaboration from internal L&D to provide their emerging talent with meaningful opportunities to learn, collaborate and grow together. Participants engage in a range of workshops, coaching, project work and experiences designed to grow their network, understanding of our business and their skills in areas such as communication, influence, personal brand, and leadership.

What we learned

Learning done well creates energy to continued growth, and built a momentum across the organisation. The program was so popular that we delivered 4 cohorts in the first 18 months, with strong visibility across the business with delighted feedback from participants (NPS average 79), their line managers (67% citing noticeable improvement and signs of clear ROI), and senior leaders (active sponsors of the program). The program won the organisation a 3rd Place in the AFR Boss Best Places to Work awards, and is ongoing with yearly cohorts.

Feedback and testimonials

‘Everything has been so well run so thank you the facilitator has been fantastic. I have definitely been pushed out of my comfort zone which is exactly what I needed.’

‘The benefits of the program have been present from early on in the piece and it will help enable and grow strong leadership through their next phase of career.’

Emerging leaders Program

A divisional restructure by this urban local council found these shift supervisors requiring new skills for higher level responsibilities for library branch management. This bespoke program was designed with the Change Manager and Divisional Manager, and included the key skills to lead and inspire.

Focusing on areas of emotional intelligence and interpersonal behaviours that had not been developed, and with a range of role incumbency from months to decades, the program was so successful that the Director decided to roll it out to the Team Leaders at next level up.

What we learned

There was a wide range of mindset towards engagement at the start of the program, but the program approach of experiential, active learning, positive reinforcement and bespoke, relatable scenarios and case studies, built a change of mindsets towards a more growth approach. At the end of the program the participants identified a positive skills uplift of average 27%. Line managers and senior leadership were delighted at the noticeable changes resulting from the program.

Leadership for new and emerging managers

This fintech organisation is small but big in brand familiarity. They had cohorts of second tier, frontline and emerging managers needing to develop their leadership and relationship management skills in the lead up to a merger. The 3 month programs used a range of learning activities to build foundational behaviours and mindsets for leading with a particular focus on the three identified areas for uplift: Personal Brand, Tough Conversations, Leading in a Challenging Environment. Pre- and post-program measures reported average uplift of 43% in those three skill families.

What we learned

Small innovative companies have even greater needs for good leadership at all levels, and the experiential, context-specific learning encouraged participants to engage wholeheartedly into the program experiences. They built self-awareness, courage and collaborative behaviours to create a better brand for the organisation.

Case studies

  • Designed and delivered an Emerging Talent Program (12 Months) for a global and national property group (~200 people between 25-35 yrs old, who were feeling a heightened loss of connection with the workplace) as part of staff retention and re-engagement strategy. The Emerging Talent Program became so popular that the cohort number doubled per year. Specific results include:

    – Increase in confidence of the cohort from 44%-100% within 12 months

    – Increased understanding of alignment with organisational objectives from 88% to 100%

    – 71% of line managers noticed signs of early ROI with demand from the business increasing from 1 – 4 programs after 6 months, and

    – Placing 3rd in the 2023 AFR Boss Best Places to Work Survey

  • Helen has made a positive impact on thousands of employees and their organisations through her work across the full cycle of learning and development activities.  She has over 10 years’ experience in creating high quality blended learning programs for a wide range of client organisations. Helen’s an innovative program designer and a dynamic facilitator /coach in both face to face and virtual environments.

    Helen’s great advantage is that she’s enjoyed a diverse management and leadership career in global corporations, SMEs and government.  With an early start in accounting, she has subsequently led businesses and teams in financial services, retail, hospitality, events management, community services and education.

    Helen’s broad, hands-on experience means she can quickly relate to your stakeholders and understand their workplace challenges – a big plus in program design and facilitation.  She melds real-life stories with an interactive and adaptive style to create a genuine connection with program participants of all levels and backgrounds and even achieves breakthrough with ‘difficult’ audiences!

    Qualifications and Accreditations

    MBA – Masters of Business Administration MGSM

    TAE – Certificate IV Training and Assessment TP3 / TAFE

    EQi-2 & EQi-360 – Emotional Intelligence Accredited Coach

    Art of Hosting Practitioner

    AITD – Active Member since 2010

    The Ethics Centre – Volunteer and Member since 2012

  • Designed and delivered program of personal and interpersonal skills for the workplace for graduate intake (6 people per year – program runs 24 Months). Noticeable uplift in skills for communication, collaboration, problem solving, networking, time management, resilience and seeking feedback.

  • Designed and delivered 2 level leadership programs for members of AIPM since 2020. Program of 2 x 2-day workshops delivered virtually across Australia to 500 + participants to date. Foundations of Project Leadership and Influencing in Project Leadership. Covers leadership, communication EQ, behaviour styles, influencing, feedback conversations, delegation, conflict management. Resulting in NPS rating average 97%. Sample Feedback Comments: // Lisa, you nailed this. Loved your knowledge and enthusiasm throughout the course. I only made it through because you kept me engaged (classic D) // Very engaging facilitator who did a terrific job to steer and guide us through the course content. Learned a lot about myself and about leadership.

  • Delivered industry diploma program for managers of retirement villages and communities since 2022, including assessment of assignments. Diploma created off the back off some difficult publicity for the industry, and has uplifted quality of care and management throughout Australia. Excellent engagement and feedback for the programs from the 350 + participants so far.

  • Busy bank branch managers with stressful calendars needed a way to streamline their workflows in the day / week / year of never-ending tasks. The program developed self-awareness, built mindset and behaviours for identifying priorities and delegating for effective management of a team and a branch, and a sustainable work-life balance. Tips and tricks for Outlook and Teams ensured optimal efficiency.

  • Six-month leadership and emotional intelligence program for aspiring partners of this well-respected law firm. developed the key non-technical skills required for managing performance, developing associates and creating high-performing teams. The program has resulted in 5 senior lawyers being promoted into partnership. Delighted feedback has included COO comments on noticeable uplift in interpersonal skills.

  • Emotional Intelligence program for managers and team members of a blue-collar department for City of Sydney Council that were needing to strengthen stakeholder relationships. Using customised bespoke content to deliver active and experiential learning in an effective balance of stretch learning and support to engage a sceptical and sometimes world-weary group to find effective ways of working together.

  • Disc is a powerful tool to build relationships across personality and working styles. This half-day workshop always delivers exceptional results to build team cohesion, develop high-performance through higher trust, create collaborative pathways. Delighted feedback has included COO comments on noticeable uplift in interpersonal skills.

  • Half-day tailored workshop as part of 2-year emerging talent program. Training and practice in using storytelling to bring data to life. highly practical and experiential, with high engagement levels and skill build in verbal and non-verbal delivery skills.

  • Designed and delivered 3-month leadership programs - Emerging Leaders Program and Frontline Leaders Program. Supported leaders to build key skills and behaviours to face change of ownership through merger and acquisition. Alignment to values of organisation, reported enhancement of team performance and engagement. 

  • Practical and supportive Presentation Skills workshops for a variety of clients incl. Frasers Property Group, BGIS Facilities Management, Australian Institute of Management, Carnival Cruises, City of Sydney Council. In each case, using participants’ own case study presentations for optimal practice application and learning transfer. A safe and supportive environment to learn nerve management, verbal and non-verbal communication skills, presentation structure and audience engagement.
